
This series of views from my stu­dio win­dow in Man­hat­tan shows the ini­tial and high­ly exper­i­men­tal stage in the devel­op­ment of my process.

The first is a sim­ple draw­ing of the window.

The sec­ond is a black and white pho­to­graph made by com­bin­ing that draw­ing with a pho­to­graph of the same window.

And final­ly, a selec­tion from a series of 25 images made by pro­ject­ing a slide of that black and white pho­to­graph back onto the actu­al window.


Draw­ings with Foto-Pro­jec­tions Haver­ford Col­lege, PA and Monique Knowl­ton, NYC

Art News
“Goldring’s win­dows evoke the inte­ri­or spaces of the day-dream­ing mind, the flux and flow of rever­ie.” — Hay­den Herrera