Nan­cy Goldring: Dis­til­la­tions, 1930 Art Space, Cheng­du, Chi­na, Dec 2022
Ref­lessi di Sto­ria CFT Col­lec­tion, Per­ma­nent exhi­bi­tion, Par­ma, Italy from Dec 2019
Pho­to­graph­ic work by Nan­cy Goldring, Car­rie Had­dad Gallery, Hud­son, New York, Sept — Nov 2018
Nan­cy Goldring: Urban Amne­sia, Casa Achada,Centro Mar­i­o­di­on­i­sio, Lis­bon, Por­tu­gal, Sept 2016
Pro­jec­tions: Place with­out Descrip­tion by Nan­cy Goldring, Devi Art Foun­da­tion, The Sarai Cen­ter for Devel­op­ing Stud­ies, spon­sored by Goethe House and Thyssen-Borne­misza Muse­um, Del­hi, 2012 — 2013
Van­ish­ing Points (Pun­ti di Fuga), The Mon­i­tor Space, Casa del­l’Ar­chitet­tura, Rome, April 2012: Gal­le­ria Mar­ti­ni Ronchet­ti, Genoa Sept 2012 — Jan 2013
Nan­cy Goldring, Car­rie Had­dad Gallery, Hud­son, NY, Sept 2010
The Last Days of Print Cul­ture, Euro­pean Insti­tute, Colum­bia Uni­ver­si­ty, New York, Sept — Dec 2009
Urban Amne­sia, Moholy-Nagy Uni­ver­si­ty of Art and Design, Budapest, Hun­gary, 2010
Lo Stu­di­o­lo di Nan­cy Goldring, Palazet­to di Eucherio San­vi­tale, Par­ma, Italy, Sept 2008
Sense of Place, KIKA Gallery, Par­ma, Italy, Sept 2008
Palimpsest, Gallery 138, NYC, March 2006
Palinses­to, Palaz­zo Pig­ori­ni, Par­ma, Feb 25 — April 25 2005, essay by David Levi Strauss, Pao­lo Bar­baro. Maz­zot­ta Ed.
Nan­cy Goldring, Foto Fo, Inter­na­tion­al Month of Pho­tog­ra­phy, Gallery Z, Bratisla­va, Slo­va­kia, cat. repro, Nov 2003

Duet, San Vitale, Comune di Par­ma, Italy, cat. by Pao­lo Bar­baro, Sept 2003Legend Lyman Allen Muse­um, New Lon­don, CT, Sept 2002

Dis­til­la­tions, Hous­ton Cen­ter for Pho­tog­ra­phy, Fotofest, March 2002

Dis­til­la­tions, South­east Muse­um of Pho­tog­ra­phy, Day­tona Beach, Oct 2000

Alva Gallery, New Lon­don , CT, March 11 2000

DIF, web gallery, Uni­ver­si­ty of Hous­ton, March 2000

Dis­til­la­tions, Pho­tog­ra­phy as an Art Form, Nation­al Cen­tre for Per­form­ing Arts, Bom­bay, India, Nov 1997

The Ocu­lar Proof, ACTA Inter­na­tion­al, Rome Italy, Oct — Nov 1996

Hamp­shire Col­lege, Amherst, MA, Sep­tem­ber 8 — Octo­ber 1 1993

Dream Stills, Jayne H.Baum Gallery, NYC, Mar 25 — May 1 1993

Arts for Tran­sit, M.T.A., Grand Cen­tral Sta­tion, NYC, April 4 —  June 20 1992

Draw­ings With Foto-Pro­jec­tions, Isti­tu­to d’Arte Dos­so Dos­si, Fer­rara, Italy, Sept 1991

Draw­ings With Foto-Pro­jec­tions, Merid­i­an Gallery, San Fran­cis­co, March 1991

Uni­ver­si­ty of Cal­i­for­nia, Berke­ley at San Fran­cis­co, March 25 — June 6 1988

Nan­cy Goldring, Jayne H Baum Gal­llery, NYC, Feb 4 — March 5 1988

Set­tings, Michael Ben­nett Gallery, NYC, Nov 12 — Dec 22 1986

Nan­cy Goldring, Isti­tu­to d’Arte Dos­so Dos­si, Fer­rara, Italy, June 18 — July 5 1986

Mostra Nan­cy Goldring, Gal­le­ria San Fedele, Milan, Italy, May 13 — June 2 1986

Recur­rences, A&M Art works, NYC, Nov 7 — Dec 25, 1984

Stu­dio on Strom­boli, Mis­sis­sip­pi Muse­um of Art, The Open Gallery, Jack­son, MI, Mar — April 16, 1983

Draw­ings With Foto-Pro­jec­tions, The Her­zliya Muse­um, The Amer­i­can Cul­tur­al Cen­ters of Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, Haifa Uni­ver­si­ty, 1982 — 1983 Cat. Avram Kampf

Trep­i­da­tion of the Spheres: Draw­ings With Foto-Pro­jec­tions Cam­era Club, NYC, 1981

Draw­ings with Foto-Pro­jec­tions, SOHO 20, NYC, Feb — March 1980

Foto-Draw­ings, Glad­stone Gallery, NYC, April 1979

Recent Work, Politec­ni­co di Roma, Italy, Nov — Dec 1978

Image of the Home, (with G. Fioren­zoli and Michael Webb), The Insti­tute for Archi­tec­ture and Urban Stud­ies, NYC, Feb 23 — March 24 1978;
Nas­sau Coun­ty Muse­um (N.Y.I.T.), April 30 — June 4 1978

Draw­ings with Foto-Pro­jec­tions, Monique Knowl­ton Gallery, NYC, Feb 1977


Con­flu­ence: Tra­di­tion in Con­tem­po­rary Art, Lou Zhon­gi Art Muse­um, Chon­qing, Chi­na, Oct 2020

Blue in Green curat­ed by ALyssa E. Fan­ning, Plat­form Project Space, NYC, Dec 2019

Sym­pa­thet­ic Mag­ic, West­beth Gallery, March-April 2018

The Nature Lab, LAB­space, Hills­dale, NY, Feb-March 2018

Oltre il Pae­sag­gio”, Palaz­zo Gril­lo, Gen­o­va, Sept-Jan 2018

Anony­mous Draw­ing, Kun­ster­ver­lein, Rus­sel­heim. March-April 2016

Prime Mat­ter, Sena­space, NYC, Oct-Nov. NYC; Draw­ing Muse­um, Laholm, Swe­den, Sept-Dec 2015

INTERSECTIONS: 23 Ful­bright Pho­tog­ra­phers Explore Our World, Rea­gan Pavil­ion, Wash­ing­ton, DC, Oct-Nov 2014

Night Tide, Diet Gallery, curat­ed by Jar­rett Earnest, Mia­mi, May-July 2014

The Last Bru­cen­ni­al, NYC, March 2014

Mar­avee Ani­ma, Castel­lo Susans, Sab­ri­na Zan­nier, cura­tor, Udine Italy, Oct –Dec 2013

Come Togeth­er, Spon­sored by the Brook­lyn Rail, Oct-Dec 2013

Heat, Chaos, Resis­tance, Radi­a­tor Gallery, LI City, Oct-Nov 2013

Pho­tographs and Pho­to­books, Free­mans, Philadel­phia, Sept 2013

Berlin Sun The­atre, Whit­ney Muse­um, Feb. 2013, pho­to­graph­ic pro­jec­tions for per­for­mance by Michael Taussig.

After Effects, NYFA, curat­ed by the New York Foun­da­tion for the Arts, Chelsea, April 2013

Anony­mous Draw­ing, Uffer­hallen, Berlin, March 2013

Selec­tions from the Per­ma­nent Col­lec­tion of the South­east Muse­um of Pho­tog­ra­phy: Leah King-Smith, Nan­cy Goldring, Bar­bara Nor­fleet, Atlantic Cen­ter for the Arts, Smyr­na, FL, Nov 2012 — Feb 2013

Fac­ul­ty Exhi­bi­tion, Mont­clair State Uni­ver­si­ty, Sept — Dec 2012

From Life. Radi­a­tor Gallery, LI City, NY, April 6 — May 1, 2012

Clas­si­cal Mythol­o­gy in Mod­ern and Con­tem­po­rary Art, The Ben­ton Muse­um, CT, Jan 17-March 11, 2012

Jüdis­che Frauen in der Bilden­den Kun­st, Insel­ga­lerie, Berlin, DE, Nov 2011

PAPER TRAILS: Works from the New York Metro, Pearce Gallery, White­cliffe Col­lege of Art and Design, Auck­land, NZ July 2010

Anti­dote, Curat­ed by Christo­pher Schade, Verge Art Fair, New York, NY, March 2010

Everywhere/Nowhere, The Spir­i­tu­al Tem­pera­ment in Cur­rent Amer­i­can Art, Siri Fort Audi­to­ri­um, New Del­hi, India, Feb 2009

Stu­dio School, New York, Oct 2008

Brook­lyn Rail, Pace Wilden­stein, New York, Sept 2008

Ital­ian Sense of Place, George Segal Gallery, Mont­clair, NJ, Feb-April 2008

Arte in Piazzetta, Inter­na­tion­al Rasseg­na di Arte Graph­i­ca, Cese­na, Italy, Dec 2007

Bridg­ing Cul­tures Through Art, Les Atlas­sides Gallery, Mar­rakesh, Mor­roc­co, Nov 2006

Director’s Choice, William Ben­ton Muse­um, Storrs, CT, Sum­mer 2006

New York Views, Smith Col­lege Muse­um, Northamp­ton, MA, Jan 2005

The Lights of Home, Gallery 138, NYC, April 2004

Masala: Diver­si­ty in South Asian Art, William Ben­ton Muse­um, Storrs, CT, Jan 2004

The Afford­able Art Fair, NYC, Nov 2003

Shut­tered Cuba, Alva Gallery, New Lon­don, CT, Sum­mer 2003

Gallery Show­case, Sotheby’s, NYC, Feb — March 2002

New Acqui­si­tions, Build­ing the Col­lec­tion, William Ben­ton Muse­um, Univ. of CT, Storrs, Mar — April 2002

Snap­shot, The Con­tem­po­rary Muse­um, Bal­ti­more, Nov 2000

Fac­ul­ty Exhi­bi­tion, Insti­tute of the Arts, Shang­hai Uni­ver­si­ty, Nation­al Muse­um, Bei­jing, Oct 1999

New Work, Open Gallery, NYC, March 1999

Selec­tions from the Per­ma­nent Col­lec­tion, Inter­na­tion­al Cen­ter of Pho­tog­ra­phy, NYC, Nov 1998 — Jan 1999

Fresh Work 2, South­east Muse­um of Pho­tog­ra­phy, June — Sept 1998 (cat­a­log)

The Avon Col­lec­tion, Inter­na­tion­al Cen­ter for Pho­tog­ra­phy, NYC, Sept 12 — Oct 1997

Diverse Visions/Photographic Per­spec­tives, Pitts­burgh Cen­ter for the Arts, April 10 — June 3 1997

New in the Nineties, Katon­ah Muse­um, NY, March 31 — April 21 1996; Cen­ter of Pho­tog­ra­phy, Tokoyo, Japan; Osa­ka World Trade Cen­ter Muse­um, Jan 1996

Seek­ing the Sub­lime: Neo Roman­ti­cism in Land­scape Pho­tog­ra­phy, South­east Muse­um, Day­tona Beach, FL, April — June 1995

Ellis Island, Palaz­zo Cini, Fer­rara, Italy, May 22 — June 30 1993

Points of View, The Cam­pi­on Cor­po­ra­tion, Stam­ford, CT, March — April 1992

The Frame: Mul­ti­plied and Extend­ed, Pacif­ic Secu­ri­ty, Los Ange­les, Jan — March 1992

New Direc­tions, The Art Muse­um at Flori­da Inter­na­tion­al Uni­ver­si­ty, Jan — Feb 1991

Selec­tions 5, Polaroid at Fotokine, Cologne, Ger­many, Oct 1990

Ellis Island, NYC, 1990–1992

Art and the Law, The West Col­lec­tion, Trav­el­ing exhi­bi­tion 1990–1991

Con­struct­ed Spaces, Pho­to­graph­ic Resource Cen­ter with Boston Archi­tec­tur­al Cen­ter, 1990

The Great Pho­to Show, Foto-Fest, Hous­ton, Texas, Feb­ru­ary, 1990 (Co-cura­tor)

Aper­ture Pho­tog­ra­phers, Bur­den Gallery, NYC, Dec 7 1989 — Jan 25 1990

Appari­tions: Instal­la­tions and Pho­tographs, Jayne H.Baum Gallery, NYC, Sept 1 — Oct 31 1989

Pho­tog­ra­phy of Inven­tion: Pic­tures of the Eight­ies, Nation­al Muse­um of Amer­i­can Art, Wash­ing­ton D.C., April 1989. Cat. by Joshua Smith (M.I.T. Press) (trav­el­ing to Muse­um of Con­tem­po­rary Art, Chica­go and Walk­er Art Center)

Fic­tive Strate­gies, Squibb Cor­po­ra­tion, Joseph Rauch, Prince­ton, NJ, Feb — March 1989

Sequence (Con) Sequence, Bard Col­lege, Annan­dale on Hud­son, NY, Feb — March 1989. Cat. by Julia Bal­leri­ni, Aper­ture, NYC

Behind the Scenes: Pho­tog­ra­phers’ Devices, White Columns Gallery, NYC, 1989

Ideas in Imagery: Post­mod­ern Pho­tog­ra­phy, R.H. Love Gallery, Chica­go, IL, Sept 9 Oct – Nov 12, 1988

Pho­tog­ra­phy on the Edge, Hag­gar­ty Muse­um of Art, Mil­wau­kee, WI, Mar — June, 1988

Poet­ic Injury: The Sur­re­al­ist Lega­cy in Post­mod­ern Pho­tog­ra­phy, The Alter­na­tive Muse­um, NYC, Nov 14 1987 – Feb 23 1988. Cat. by Roger Den­son and Ros­alind Krauss

Endur­ing Visions, The Cop­ley Soci­ety, Boston, March 3 — 23 1987

The Con­struct­ed Image, Allen-Win­cor Gallery NYC, April 11 — May 3 1985

Artists as Film­mak­ers, A.I.R. Gallery, NYC, April 1984

Riti di Pas­sag­gio, Gal­le­ria AAM, Rome, Italy, Dec 1983 — Jan 1984

Inside Spaces, orga­nized by The Muse­um of Mod­ern Art, NYC, 1983

Art­ed­er: Feria Inter­na­cional de Mues­tras, Bil­bao, Spain, April 1982 — May 1983

Ter­ra 2, Inter­na­tion­al Expo­si­tion of Inten­tion­al Archi­tec­ture, Muse­um of Archi­tec­ture, Wro­claw, Poland, June 1981; XIV Cong. of Inter­na­tion­al Union of Archi­tects, War­saw, Poland. Cat. by Ste­fan Muller

A Show With­in a Show, The Whit­ney Coun­ter­weight #3, Rabi­nowich Gallery, NYC, Feb 1981

Inde­pen­dent Amer­i­can Pho­tog­ra­phers, Inter­na­tion­al Cen­ter for Pho­tog­ra­phy, War­saw, Krakow, Kan­tor­wice, Gdan­sk, Poland, June — Oct 1980

The Pho­tog­ra­pher’s Hand, George East­man House, Rochester, NY, July — Sept 1979, trav­eled by S.I.T.E.S. 1979–1981

Open Ate­lier for Design and Archi­tec­ture, NYC, (NYSCA grant), April 1979

Land­scape-Cityscape-Seascape, Part II, Par­sons-Drey­fuss Gallery, NYC, Dec 1978 — Jan 1979

Women Artists from New York, State Uni­ver­si­ty of New York, Stony Brook, 1978

Pho­tographs, Muse­um of Nat­ur­al His­to­ry, NYC, Sept 1973

SITE, Inc. group exhi­bi­tion, New York Uni­ver­si­ty, Lehman Cam­pus, Sep­tem­ber 1973