
At Home in NY and Latin America:

The result­ing images, evoca­tive frag­ments with con­cen­tric the­atri­cal allu­sions, are dis­tilled from a   larg­er sto­ry, a kind of con­cep­tu­al narrative..Many of the prints have an har­mo­nious palette of oxi­dized sien­as and blues rem­i­nis­cent of worn plas­ter walls that hint at sto­ries hid­den with­in the lay­ers.  Each series is a med­i­ta­tion on a theme inti­mat­ed by a metaphor­i­cal title, and each reg­is­ters a kind of per­son­al hand­writ­ing, one which reveals her unique vision.”  Pao­lo Barbaro



Reviews: Flashart, La Repub­bli­ca, Gente, Artecu­lu­ra di Milano, RAI, L’Unita’ di Bologna, The Architect’s News­pa­per – John Bal­dacchi­no, Palimpsest, Pao­lo Bar­baro and David Levi Strauss.

To be able to make mean­ing of this diverse visu­al expe­ri­ence is hum­bling.  What is even more hum­bling is the majesty by which these images come togeth­er and car­ry a far greater mean­ing than we could ever imag­ine as indi­ci­auls mar­vel­ling at the dreams of our fore­bears.”  John Baldachino

But there is always more going on than meets the eye, for the city is a liv­ing, breath­ing organ­ism, with many things hap­pen­ing at the same time.  Goldring’s images give us a sense of this again and again, in the flu­id pass­ing from light to dark, util­i­ty to dec­o­ra­tion, old to new…But Goldring’s images of Par­ma are pri­mar­i­ly those of a lover con­tem­plat­ing a beloved, for memory’s sake.”  David Levi Strauss

They are the tools of an under­stand­ing locat­ed in a dis­crete zone – some­where between philol­o­gy and an impres­sion of real­i­ty, an under­stand­ing that must nev­er be lost..”  Pao­lo Barbaro


Current Drawings


New York
