Drawing Matter, “Distillations: Nancy Goldring, Drawings and Foto-Projections, 1971–2021”, Mar 2023
Art Forum International: Interview with Lauren O’Neill Butler, Sept 2018
Urban Amnesia Lisboa, Sete, Aug, 2016
Nancy Goldring a Meravee: La Spiritualita’ Salva gli Artisti, Messaggiero Veneto, Oct.19, 2013
Raritan, 2012–2013 all issues introduced by Nancy Goldring
ArtInfo.com: “New Show of Hurricane Sandy-Inspired Art Was Made Possible by the NYFA’s Relief Fund,” 2_ 6, 2013
Good Morning America, Yahoo News: “Exhibition showcases artistic response to disaster,” February 6, 2013
Associated Press: “Exhibitions plumb artistic responses to disaster” by Ula Ilnytzky, February 5, 2013
Crain’s: “Time for healing: Exhibition will feature art that is related to or was damaged by Hurricane Sandy” by Miriam Kreinin Souccar and Theresa Agovino, January 20, 2013
RAI, TV on site coverage, 9_10_2012
Goldring Apre una Finestra sull’architettura Vista come Sogno, Sandro Ricaldone, Il Secolo, 15_10_12
Goldring e I “punti di Fuga” Immagini Milti-Immaginarie, Bettina Bush, La Repubblica, 3_10_12
I Strati di Tempo di Nancy Goldring, Massimiliano Tomba, Daniele Balico, Manifesto, Sunday July 23, 2012
“From Life” at the Radiator Gallery, Boro Magazine, Patrick Neal, April 19, 2012
Colomina, Beatriz and Buckley, Craig, ed. Clip, Stamp, Fold: The Radical Architecture of Little Magazines 196X — 197X. Actar, 2010.
Interview with Nancy Goldring (book) and DVD, Fei Center of Contemporary Art, Shanghai, Fall, 2011
Visioni parmigiane della Goldring, La Repubblica, interview and online gallery, March 3, 2010, http://parma.repubblica.it/multimedia/home/23252144
Mario Raffone alla Columbia University di New York, Antonio Tortora, Napoli.com, September 2009
Pleasures of Parma, Barbara Wysocki, Art & Antiques, May 2009, 1 reproduction
Lo Studiolo di Nancy Goldring, presS/Tletter.com, Oct 2008, http://www.presstletter.com/articolo.asp?articolo=1644
An Italian Sense of Place, Structures and Monuments, Joan Finn, Montclair Times, Feb 7, March 13, 2008
Tony Soprano? No Here’s the Real Italy, Tammy La Gorce, New York Times, Jan 20, 3008
Erasure and Exchange: Nancy Goldring’s Palimpsest, John Baldacchino, The Architect’s Newspaper, May 2006
Wolf, Tom. SITE: Identity in Density. New York: Images Publishing Dist A/C, 2006.
Reviews of Palimpsest in Flash Art, La Gazzetta di Parma, La Repubblica, Reflex, Urbandecorazione, Artecultura di Milano, Il Giornale di Milano, Il Mese, la Rai, L’unita’ di Bologna, Bella. Gente, L’Ossesrvatore Romano, etc.
Compagni di Viaggio, Gazetta di Parma, 12 Sept, 2003
Duetto, in conjunction with exhibition S. Vitale, Parma, Italy, Paolo Barbaro, (52 repros) ital./Eng
Distillations, Houston Center for Photography, Foto Fest Catalog, with reproduction, March 2002
Artists Air Their Creative Responses to Attacks, Kristina Dorsey, New London Day, Jan 20, 2002
Nancy Goldring and Abby Robinson, Robert C. Morgan, NY Arts, Nov 2001
Photographic Possibilities: The Expressive Use of Ideas, Materials, and Processes, Robert Hirsch, (repros) June 2001
Review of Distillations, Afterimage, Sandra Matthews, Nov-Dec 2000
Snapshot, CD-Rom catalog, Baltimore, MD, Nov-Dec 2000
Distillations (exhibition catalog), Ellen Handy, The Southeast Museum of Photography, June 2000
Nancy Goldring, Michael Rush, Art New England, June 2000
Know Your Art, Avon Collection, catalog, 1999
PDN, review of Reflections in a Glass Eye, with reproduction, Dec 1999
Reflections in a Glass Eye, Works from the International Center of Photography, New York, Fall 1999
What’s After Modern, Jay Tolson, US New & World Report, June 7, 1999
Nancy Goldring at Open, Dominique Nahas, Review, April 1, 1999
Graphis International, Fine Art Photography 1998 (2 reproductions)
Moments of Grace: Spirit in the American Landscape, Lucy Lippard, Aperture, Winter 1998, repro.
Photographing Feelings, Gayatri Ramanthan, Sunday Observer, Bombay Nov 16, 1997
Graphis International, Fine Art Photography, 1996, 1 reproduction
Inner Recesses of the Mind in “Archaeology of Memory, ” Jude Schwendenwien, The Hartford Courant, 1997
Made in Usa, Il Manifesto, Manuele Coen, Nov 28, 1996
Genius Loci: Ingenious Locations and Landscape Photography Today, Ellen Handy (with reproduction- SYMI ) Camerawork, Oct 1996
Un Trio di Muster, Corriere della Sera, Rome, Italy, Oct 8, 1996 (with Repro: Rime)
Nancy Goldring, la Repubblica, Rome, Italy, Oct 8, 1996
Searching for Memory, Daniel L.Schacter, Harper Collins, 1996, ( reproduction- Traveler Remembers)
Nancy Goldring, Femina, Bombay, India
Dream Images, Niyatee, Indian Express, Bombay, India March 15 1995
Graphis: Photography Fine Art, 1995, repro (Rime: crystal/water/fresco)
Tradition and the Unpredictable, Anne Tucker, Houston Museum of Fine Art, catalog, Jan 1994
Nancy Goldring at Jayne H.Baum, Margarett Loke, Art News, Oct 1993
La Mostra di Nancy Goldring, Caesare Giatti, La Gazzetta di Ferrara, Aug 26, 1991
Questa e’ l’America, Antonio Caggiano, Carlino di Ferrara, Sept 4, 1991
Nancy Goldring, Eleanor Heartney, Art News, March 1991
Women Artists Illustrate New Directions, Helen C. Kohen, The Miami Herald, Jan 31, 1991
American Art Today, New Directions, catalogue, essay by Eleanor Heartney, curated by Dahlia Morgan, The Art Museum at Florida International University, 1991
Enigma, by Catherine Ne’danchelle, City, No. 66, Dec 1990- Jan 1991
At Home and Abroad: Visions of the Irregular, Art and Antiques, Alexandra Enders, Nov 1990
Fall Preview:Photography, New York Magazine, Sept, 1989
Summer Sonatas, Photo Design, July-Aug, 1989
Reflections on Photography, Gordon Ligocki, The Times, Chicago, Sept 16, 1988
Remembrance of Things Past: The Foto-Projections of Nancy Goldring, by Emily Simpson, Art Gallery International, Sept-Oct 1987
The Village Voice, Deborah Jowitt, Jan 27, 1987
The New York Times, Jennifer Dunning, Jan 11, 1987
L’Unita, Giuliana Scime’, Milan, Italy, May 18, 1986
Review, Art in America, Julia Ballerini, March 1985
Review, Arforum, Patricia Phillips, March 1985
La Mattita e La Fotografia di Nancy Goldring, Anna Mari and Paola di Montereale, La Mia Casa, May 1984
One the Road in Mississippi, The Open Gallery, PBS, March 19, 1983
Nancy Goldring, exhibition catalogue, by Avram Kampf and Joseph Hoffman, June 1981
Artist as Architect as Artist, Dialogue, The Ohio Arts Journal, March-April 1981
Art People, The New York Times, Grace Glueck review of Whitney Counterweight, Feb 3, 1981
Lusu, Dziennik Bektycki, Craz, and The New York Times, Sunday, June 8, 1980, Catalogue: Niezalezna Fotografia merykanska by Sam Smith
Experimental Drawing, Robert Kaupelis, “Drawing Extended,” pp. 170–171, (Watson-Guptill:NY) 1980
New York Reviews, Art News, Mary Anne Stanisweski, Summer 1980 with color reproductions
A Few Rites and a Little Spring, Ben Lifson, The Village Voice, May 7, 1979
Controspazio, Allesandra La Tour, Feb 1979
Il Messaggiero di Roma, Maurizio Pagiolo, Jan 11, 1979
Womansweek, Lisa Dawn Schneider, June 4, 1978
Hallucinatory Homes, Malcolm Preston, Newsday, May 4, 1978
Design Notes, Ada Louise Huxtable, The New York Times, March 2, 1978
Review, Ann Jarmuch, Art News, Jan 1977
Review, Hayden Herrera, Art in America, March 1977, and Art World, Feb 1977
Voice Choice, The Village Voice, February 16, 1977
Articles about SITE: SITE, by Bruno Zevi, Architettura, May 1973; SITE, Casabella, Fall 1972; Un Anatra Brutta ma Rivoluzionaria, by Bruno Zevi, Espresso, July 1972; SITE, by Jeff Nuttall, Architectural Design, Spring 1972, SITE, Art and Artists, October 1972; Landscape Sculpture, by Grady Clay, Landscape Architecture, July 1971; News Events, Arts Journal, March 1971; Pictures, by Patricia Degener, St. Louis Post Dispatch, Winter 1971; News Events, Design and Environment, Winter 1971; Notes on SITE, by Grace Glueck, The New York Times, 1970; SITE, by William Hausman, Environmental Monthly, Nov 1970
Spuyten Duyvil Press, “Eternity Speak” by Jeffrey Paine, Book Cover Image “Falling Into Doubt, 1983”, Mar 2023
Article in Polish “Critical Review”, ‘Occupy’ by Nancy Goldring and Michael Taussig, June 2018
“In the Space of Drawing Reason and Imagination” by Giovanni Santamaria with Essays by Kenneth Frampton, Nancy Goldring, and Franco Purini, May 2018
“Purini’s visionary drawings get their due in two shows” The Architect’s Newspaper, Dec 19, 2017
“Columbus is an ode to the Indiana city’s modernist architecture” The Architect’s Newspaper, Nov 13, 2017
“A new look at montage in the practice of architecture and art” The Architect’s Newspaper, Nov 2, 2017
“The Last Days of Print Culture: Raffone in Naples” Curated by Victoria de Grazie and Nancy Goldring, March 27, 2017
“A small exhibit hints at major changes in architectural representation” The Architect’s Newspaper, Feb 9, 2017
“Copy, Cut, Paste”, The Architect’s Newspaper, Sept 8, 2016
“The Frick launches new plan to modernize, add more exhibition space” The Architect’s Newspaper, May 27, 2016
“Virtual Reality,” The Architect’s Newspaper, March 2, 2016
“Putting Yourself in a Place Where Grace can Flow to You,” The Brooklyn Rail, Feb 5, 2015
“Recombinant Approaches: Talking with Nancy Goldring,” by Leann Davis Alspraugh (The Hedgehog Review), Oct — Nov 2015
Cover La Lettura Sunday Magazine, Corriere della Sera, Milan, Italy, Oct.26, 2014
Milano Triennale, The Architect’s Newspaper, Nov. 2013
Collaborative essay with Michael Taussig (Prof. Anthropology, Columbia University) in Occupy: 3 Inquiries into Disobedience, Chicago University Press, April 2013. Photographs by Nancy Goldring
The Long View, Sept. 18, 2012, The Architects Newspaper, NYC
Nancy Goldring on Walls: Enrichment and Ornamentation, Word Processor, Reanimation Library Sept. 2012
Nancy Goldring on Walls: Enrichment and Ornamentation, Word Processor, Reanimation Library Sept. 2012
Raritan, Featured artist 4 issues, 2012–2013
First Measure, The Architects Newspaper, March, 2012
Monthly Correspondent for PresS/Tletter. www.presstletter.com, from 2009–2012
On Why Artists Loved Leo Steinberg, The Brooklyn Rail, April 2011
In Good Hands, The Architect’s Newspaper , Feb 20, 2008
To Desire It, Mike McGregor, with photograph by Nancy Goldring, Univ. of Portland Magazine, Winter 2007
Identity, Bruce Nauman, Robert Morgan, Ed. (Johns Hopkins, June 2002)
Dream Stills, Avant Garde: Journal of Architecture and Aesthetics, Univ. of CO, Sept, 1993
Imagining Egypt, Avant Garde: Journal of Architecture and Aesthetics, Univ.of CO, Denver, Jul 1991
Generation of Place, Offramp, Cal Arts/Sci Arch, Univ.of S.Cal.,Vol.1, n.3, Fall 1990
Review of “Identity,” at the Whitney Museum Downtown, Arts Magazine, March 1989
Review of “George Ranalli: Buildings & Projects,” for Building Design, London, March 1989
Review of “Deconstructive Architecture,” Museum of Modern Art, New York, in Building Design, London, July 1988
Fleurs de Verite, Marie-Luce Dayer, (Editions Ouverture: Switzerland). Cover design, 1987
Recurrences, Dreamworks Vol. 4. n. 4, Dec 1985. Illustrated article.
Brava Casa, Corriere della Sera, Milan, Italy, monthly New York correspondent 1984–5
Design for Caribbean Music Festival, Museum of Natural History, New York City, May 1984
Musical dei Caraibi:Film Rassegna, catalogue, poster, Padiglione d’Arte Contemporanea, Milano, Sept 1984
Grant National Memorial: A Monument to the Living, Art News, Jan 1974
A Monument for the Living, Art and Artists, (London), Dec 1973
Art in Public Places, ON SITE, Winter 1973
Shopping Center Art, ON SITE, Summer 1972
Peekskill Melt, The Art Gallery Magazine, March 1971
Reprinted: Baksteen, TA/BK, Netherlands, May 1972