For 35 years I have been developing a personal way of making art. Combining graphic, photographic, and projected material, I produce work that appears as a non-narrative series of images or what I have called foto-projections*.
My foto-projections suggest the intricate nature of human perception by re-ordering visual information to propose irreconcilable time frames, shifting vantage points, changing moods, and memory traces. Each image represents one of the many possible ways of evoking a place or a moment; and the series altogether suggests the complex way we experience the world. Some of the series have been presented as large-scale time-based installations in which the images dissolve and fade into each other. Seen this way, the sequence seems to excavate a real or imagined archaeological site thereby slowly revealing a rich sedimentation of an irrecoverable past.
* I devise a low relief collage based on pencil sketches. Using multiple slide projectors, I project fragments of relevant slides that I have taken onto the collage. Using a large format camera I photograph the model with the superimposed projections to produce “foto-projections.” Each image has the same collage as its background but is layered with distinct slide information to suggest various modes of looking — contemplation, rumination, or reverie.