
Bro­ken Land­scape (“Pae­sag­gio Spez­za­to”) began as a series of small draw­ings of the view from my stu­dio over­look­ing Lake Trasi­meno in Tus­cany. Due to a long and com­plex agrar­i­an his­to­ry the land­scape has assumed an elab­o­rate inter­weav­ing of frag­ments imped­ing any com­pre­hen­sive or total appre­hen­sion of the val­ley. This “bro­ken land­scape” con­sists of small clus­ters where signs of a human pres­ence appear among the shards of the nat­ur­al land­scape. These scat­tered inci­dents are presided over by the ever-chang­ing sky and dis­tant mountains.