
There are 5 series enti­tled Maya, all based on a sum­mer spent draw­ing in Mex­i­co. I had pho­tographed the pyra­mids, and these works exam­ine the way the sacred places are expe­ri­enced by tourists who  come to vis­it the sites.



Recur­rences”, A&M Art­works NYC Art­fo­rum and Art in Amer­i­ca “Her lay­er­ing of the remem­bered, of the imag­ined, and the envi­sioned through time evokes impor­tant ques­tions about visu­al lit­er­a­cy, and the mind’s eye. The synapse between what is actu­al­ly expe­ri­enced, what is remem­bered, and what is for­got­ten is a place where abstrac­tion and under­stand­ing can begin.” – Patri­cia Phillips “A first expe­ri­ence of these pho­tographs is like walk­ing into a room full of simul­ta­ne­ous con­ver­sa­tions. The com­plex super­im­po­si­tions in Goldring’s work can also be regard­ed as ren­der­ings of the lay­ered drift of thought, mem­o­ry, or dream. ..thus she presents the exquis­ite­ness of falling into doubt, vision­ing the indef­i­nite in terms of its poten­tial­ly infi­nite per­mu­ta­tions.” – Julia Ballerini