
Stay­ing on after the open­ing of my exhi­bi­tion in 2003, I spent some weeks in Par­ma’s his­toric cen­ter gath­er­ing images. I walked the streets dis­cov­er­ing and mark­ing ves­ti­gial frag­ments from ear­ly rome through the twen­ti­eth cen­tu­ry. My wan­der­ing led me to con­sid­er the ways his­tor­i­cal sites — build­ings, sculp­tures, plazas — become inte­grat­ed into the quo­tid­i­an life of a place: how archi­tec­tur­al and sculp­tur­al traces, as their lay­ers accrue over time, can alter one’s sense of the city. The result­ing pho­tographs — 50 images — reflect my desire to expe­ri­ence the place today while main­tain­ing a notion of the ancient as well as the recent past.

A selec­tion from a larg­er series.