
This series, which derives its title from a poem by Wal­lace Stevens, con­jures a place in west­ern Chi­na near the bor­der with Bur­ma. From my perch high over the Yantzee Riv­er, I observed how an almost hid­den Tibetan monastery pre­sides over the val­ley. Place With­out Descrip­tion recre­ates my expe­ri­ence at this site, attempt­ing to see it through non-west­ern eyes. A dif­fer­ent kind of rela­tion­ship with the nat­ur­al world emerges in this piece, as the view­er, untram­meled by a west­ern per­spec­tive sys­tem that priv­i­leges a sin­gle van­tage point, is allowed wan­der freely into the nat­ur­al landscape.

What a fan­tas­tic (in all sens­es) image. You seem to have bro­ken the stran­gle­hold of Time, and giv­en us free pas­sage to our ori­gins. Must see more.”
From Poet Robert Kelly