
This series derived from a trip through Viet Nam, in 1998.  The trip to that part of the world was occa­sioned by an exhi­bi­tion in Bom­bay, after which I met a jour­nal­ist friend in Hanoi and we trav­eled togeth­er for a few weeks.  Dur­ing one of our short excur­sions, while walk­ing through a small vil­lage in the north we came upon a brick fac­to­ry  — and watched as the women car­ried the heavy loads into the stor­age area above.   This site becomes a means for exam­in­ing and dra­ma­tiz­ing the coun­try in a larg­er sense- from the caves at Ha Long Bay to war torn ruins of My Son, the ancient Cham site, bombed by the Amer­i­cans, to the quo­ta­tions from con­tem­po­rary social real­ist paintings.