
After a month of draw­ing the view from my stu­dio in Palao, on the north­ern coast of Sardeg­na, one morn­ing at dawn I began notic­ing the way swal­lows appeared in the ear­ly light and again at sun­set.  Trac­ing their move­ments, the elab­o­rate net­work of lines gen­er­at­ed by their flight pat­terns seemed to bring the seascape to life, as if it had been emp­ty with­out their syn­co­pat­ed dart­ing and swoop­ing.  In Ron­di­ni, (Swal­lows) the view­er sees my oval draw­ing table, the edge my vine cov­ered bal­cony, and the exten­sive panora­ma of small islands, all woven togeth­er by the inces­sant and unpre­dictable paths of the swallows.