
The sum­mer of 2013 I spent some 3 weeks perched high over the sea in a tiny, humid house carved direct­ly from the cliff in Polig­nano al Mare in Puglia. Frus­trat­ed by the lim­i­ta­tions of my small­ish draw­ing pad I reori­ent­ed the draw­ing to allow the hori­zon to reach diag­o­nal­ly across the page. What result­ed was a pre­car­i­ous dis­e­qui­lib­ri­um as the van­ish­ing point glides end­less­ly along the hori­zon. In some of the images I have tak­en bits and pieces of the town archi­tec­ture and con­found­ed them with the nat­ur­al set­ting – to con­jure the way we car­ry mem­o­ry images when they have been unleashed from geog­ra­phy or locus. In oth­ers I have recom­posed the com­po­si­tion to see the dizzy­ing view from the bal­cony direct­ly into the turquoise water beneath. The piece attempts to fath­om the way the sky – with its infi­nite depth — enfolds us in breath­able air and atmos­phere and touch­es the ever- elu­sive hori­zon that tries to mark the edge of the sea as it reach­es towards us, slic­ing the world as it too recedes into immea­sur­able space.