
The dip­tych, Via degli Spag­no­li, derives its title from a street in Rome in the area near the Pan­theon where I had pho­tographed many build­ing facades.


SoHo 20 NYC (guest artist), Cam­era Club of New York; Her­z­lyia Muse­um, Uni­ver­si­ty of Haifa; Amer­i­can Cul­tur­al Cen­ter, Tel Aviv, Israel

Art News
Cat­a­log essay by Joseph Hoff­man and Avram Kampf

Fus­ing dif­fer­ent per­cep­tions of the same scene, these ghosts of lay­ered images become visu­al metaphors for mem­o­ry” — Mary Anne Stanisizewski

She is an artist who joins a sure intu­ition with deep knowl­edge and is con­scious of the roots of the artis­tic process­es in which she is involved…Impressions gath­ered and metic­u­lous­ly exam­ined are ren­dered with clar­i­ty in a per­son­al way with the pen and brush of a poet.” — Avram Kampf