
Based on an actu­al piaz­za in a small Ital­ian medieval vil­lage, this series exam­ines the rela­tion­ship between town and sur­round­ing land­scape. The Tus­can vil­lage is typ­i­cal­ly encir­cled by a stone wall that once served as defense against inva­sion. The enclo­sure also indi­cat­ed a vis­i­ble bound­ary between town and coun­try­side, sol­id evi­dence of their inter­de­pen­dence while defin­ing the neces­si­ty for dis­tinct quo­tid­i­an activ­i­ties in each zone. Via dei Soli­tari harks back to the moment before the divi­sion between town and land­scape began to dis­in­te­grate as a result of an abu­sive sub­ur­ban sprawl. It sug­gests the way the nat­ur­al set­ting once res­onat­ed with­in the con­fines of the vil­lage, the way it was car­ried in mem­o­ry and imag­i­na­tion back into dai­ly life with­in the city gates.

Review: La Mostra A Gen­o­va: Goldring apre una fines­tra sul­l’ar­chitet­tura vista come sog­no (pdf)

Review: La Repub­li­ca: Goldring e i “pun­ti di fuga” visioni mul­ti-immag­i­nar­ie (pdf)