




Car­rie Had­dad Gallery is pleased to present pho­tographs by Nan­cy Goldring. Her fas­ci­na­tion with loca­tion and mem­o­ry cul­mi­nates in a process she calls ‘foto-pro­jec­tions’. Scenes cap­tured from her trav­els serve as ref­er­ence for graphite draw­ings and mylar mod­els that are lat­er tacked upright in her stu­dio and pro­ject­ed with mul­ti­ple lay­ers of slides from the front and back. Each lay­er, pro­ject­ing vary­ing details of the same scene, ulti­mate­ly cap­tures the essence of the loca­tion when pieced togeth­er and dig­i­tal­ly print­ed on archival Hah­ne­muh­le paper.
Artists’ Recep­tion: Sat­ur­day, Sept 22nd from 5–7 pm.