R.O.C.(Resting on Ceremony) is essentially a blow-up action shot of Isurumuniya
in which you see the sculptural relief of the temple transform itself into actual (sporting) elephants tended by a mahout and/or witnessed by an astonished crew.
A selection from a larger series.
1998, foto-projections, cibachrome, 30”x40”.
ICP publication: Ellen Handy, Southeast Museum of photography Alison Nordstrom, Art New England, Michael Rush, Review – Dominique Nahas, US News and World Report – Jay Tolson, Afterimage – Sandra Matthews, Robert Morgan – NY Arts
“For Nancy Goldring, too, a highly evolved and complex technique results in work of densely saturated and luminous color that offers a direc sensual experience..Deeply influence by buddhism, Goldring’s work is mature and straightforward; it is fresh in its certainty and coherence.”
— Alison Nordstrom
“Goldring’s images attempt to define the limits of pure perceeption and pure memory. In doing so they lead us , as Henry Bergson points out, in Matter and Memory, to hold an intermediate position in our minds between realism and idealism, and between materialism and spiritualism.” Dominique Nahas
“In Goldring’s imaginings, personal, mythical, religious, and architectural motifs are easily enmeshed. Echoes of nineteenth century-romantic paintings, impressionism, and devotional religious photography contribute not to a Babel of confllicting artisstic tongues, but to a seamless mediatation on the content of memory.” Michael Rush
“The pieces of Goldring’s images do not precisely fit, but ather harmonize and overlap, bringing to mind what is lost and what is gained in cultural translation. “ Sandra Matthews