
Reviews: ICP  pub­li­ca­tion: Ellen Handy, South­east Muse­um of pho­tog­ra­phy Ali­son Nord­strom,  Art New Eng­land, Michael Rush, Review – Dominique Nahas,  US News and World Report – Jay Tol­son, After­im­age – San­dra Matthews,  Robert Mor­gan – NY Arts

For Nan­cy Goldring, too,  a high­ly evolved and com­plex tech­nique results in work of dense­ly sat­u­rat­ed and lumi­nous col­or that offers a direc sen­su­al experience..Deeply influ­ence by bud­dhism, Goldring’s work is mature and straight­for­ward; it is fresh in its cer­tain­ty and coherence.”
— Ali­son Nordstrom

Goldring’s images attempt to define the lim­its of pure perceep­tion and pure mem­o­ry.  In doing so they lead us , as Hen­ry Berg­son points out, in Mat­ter and Mem­o­ry, to hold an inter­me­di­ate posi­tion in our minds between real­ism and ide­al­ism, and between mate­ri­al­ism and spir­i­tu­al­ism.”  Dominique Nahas

In Goldring’s imag­in­ings, per­son­al, myth­i­cal, reli­gious, and archi­tec­tur­al motifs are eas­i­ly enmeshed.  Echoes of nine­teenth cen­tu­ry-roman­tic paint­ings, impres­sion­ism, and devo­tion­al reli­gious pho­tog­ra­phy con­tribute not to a Babel of con­fllict­ing artis­stic tongues, but to a seam­less medi­ata­tion on the con­tent of mem­o­ry.”  Michael Rush

The pieces of Goldring’s images do not pre­cise­ly fit, but ather har­mo­nize and over­lap, bring­ing to mind what is lost and what is gained in cul­tur­al trans­la­tion. “  San­dra Matthews


At Sea



Tunnel Visions