
An instal­la­tion com­mis­sioned by the South­east Muse­um of Pho­tog­ra­phy and Fotofest and shown both at that muse­um and the Hous­ton Cen­ter for Pho­tog­ra­phy, Fotofest.

Tun­nel Visions is based on a train ride through the jun­gle from Colom­bo to the old cap­i­tal of Kandy. I have con­fab­u­lat­ed the tun­nel with the sacred sites — the caves and carved rock tem­ples of the “cul­tur­al tri­an­gle”. You see the con­tem­po­rary Lankan world meld­ed with spe­cif­ic, rev­e­la­to­ry aspects of the sacred sites ‑the guardian fig­ures that mark the entrance to the holy places, frag­ments of the fres­coes from the inte­ri­ors of tem­ples, and ele­ments of the actu­al spec­tac­u­lar landscape.

A selec­tion from a larg­er series.
1995, foto-pro­jec­tions, cibachrome 30”x40”.