
The Trav­el­er Remem­bers recre­ates 6 achrono­log­i­cal moments from a dream the locus of which was large mod­ern build­ing look­ing out onto an ever-shift­ing landscape.


Sequence (con) Sequence: (sub)versions of pho­tog­ra­phy in the 80s, Julia Bal­leri­ni, Ed. Aper­ture, 1989:
“The pho­to­graph­ic pro­jec­tions lay­er­ing Nan­cy Goldring’s The Trav­el­er Remem­bers are ghosts of their for­mer selves. Trans­par­ent, frag­ile, on the edge of mate­ri­al­i­ty, they speak to the elu­sive, mutat­ing func­tion of an aide mem­oire in which pho­tog­ra­phy can no longer be enlisted…Acutely pho­to­graph­ic, The Trav­el­er Remem­bers records the unpho­to­graph­ic post­mod­ern con­di­tion of perte de mem­oire.