Urban Amnesia on the cover of Uprising Magazine

Nancy Goldring, Pier Ivy 11, Urban Amnesia 2009.

Io sono sem­pre a metà fra sper­an­za e sto­ria, e la nos­tra sto­ria non depone bene a questo riguar­do. Di soli­to una breve sta­gione di ottimis­mo si risolve nel soli­to nul­la di fat­to. Ma ciò che ho vis­to in queste set­ti­mane è sta­to stra­or­di­nario. Forse sta­vol­ta rius­cire­mo a svilup­pare la volon­tà polit­i­ca nec­es­saria per un vero cam­bi­a­men­to. Kareem Abdul-Jab­bar (Inter­vista di Luca Cela­da, il man­i­festo, 10 giug­no 2020)


Di ref­lesso

Final­mente dovran­no ascoltare by R. Kushner


01 Le strade del­la soll­e­vazione by B. Cartosio

02 Con­flit­to e sub­con­scio bian­co by M. Diletti

03 Il ginoc­chio sul col­lo by A. Portelli

04 Un sec­o­lo di riv­olte by F. Fasce

05 Una polver­iera anco­ra umi­da by F. Gambino

06 Black Lives Mat­ter: cul­mine di una resisten­za decen­nale by C. Antonicelli

Post­fazione by S. Bologna

See the full con­tents here.

Nan­cy Goldring, Pier Ivy 11, Urban Amne­sia 2009.

Sympathetic Magic Exhibition Catalog


ISBN Softcover: 9780464246466
ISBN Soft­cov­er: 9780464246466

Thir­ty-one artists explore the tran­scen­dent expe­ri­ence through paint­ing, sculp­ture, col­lage, and pho­tog­ra­phy. Cat­a­log of a group exhi­bi­tion orga­nized and curat­ed by Elisa Deck­er in 2018. View the PDF and Order a copy of the cat­a­log here.

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La Triennale di Milan, 17 Nov- 9 December 2018

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Cen­ter Image: See saw, 2016 Pho­to­graph by Nan­cy Goldring



The exhi­bi­tion presents the first 360 cov­ers of the cul­tur­al sup­ple­ment of Cor­riere del­la Sera.

Photography by Nancy Goldring, Sept 19 — Nov 4







Car­rie Had­dad Gallery is pleased to present pho­tographs by Nan­cy Goldring. Her fas­ci­na­tion with loca­tion and mem­o­ry cul­mi­nates in a process she calls ‘foto-pro­jec­tions’. Scenes cap­tured from her trav­els serve as ref­er­ence for graphite draw­ings and mylar mod­els that are lat­er tacked upright in her stu­dio and pro­ject­ed with mul­ti­ple lay­ers of slides from the front and back. Each lay­er, pro­ject­ing vary­ing details of the same scene, ulti­mate­ly cap­tures the essence of the loca­tion when pieced togeth­er and dig­i­tal­ly print­ed on archival Hah­ne­muh­le paper.
Artists’ Recep­tion: Sat­ur­day, Sept 22nd from 5–7 pm.