

Insti­tute for Archi­tec­ture and Urban Stud­ies, NYC, Nas­sau Coun­try Muse­um (NY), Gal­le­ria AAM, Rome (“Image of the Home”), and the Politec­ni­co di Roma.

Cat­a­log essay by Alessan­dra La Tour, reprint­ed in Con­tro­spazio, The New York Times

The result­ing pho­to­graph­ic image, exhib­it­ed with the draw­ing, is extra­or­di­nary the way it com­pos­es art, real­i­ty, and time…only Nan­cy Goldring offers a kind of evoca­tive vision that is part of the uni­ver­sal expe­ri­ence.” — Ada Louis Huxtable

A Clear Day No Memories

Catastrophe Window

Hee’s Window

Image of the Home