

The Ocu­lar Proof”, Acta Inter­na­tion­al, Rome, Nation­al Cen­ter of Pho­tog­ra­phy, Bombay

Cor­riere del­la Sera, La Repub­bli­ca, Rome
Indi­an Express, Nya­tee, Bombay

Her tech­nique coom­bines draw­ing and pho­to­graph­ic imagery in a lam­bent blaze of col­or, and looks as though it could have been exe­cut­ed by means of com­put­er imag­ing but was not…Goldring’s work is lit­er­al­ly a con­struc­tion of real­i­ty, per­cep­tion, and imag­i­na­tion. Its pow­er lies in its easy per­sua­sion of the view­er to enter into the world cre­at­ed in the pic­tures, or to imag­ine that world as over­lap­ping with the quo­tid­i­an one of actu­al expe­ri­ence.”  — Ellen Handy


The Ocular Proof
